Edible flowers

Our methods of culture are different from the classical horticultural techniques because our flowers are for food consumption. Indeed, only some flowers can be eaten and they must be cultivated by a market gardener.




Our goal is not to offer a maximum range, but to obtain complementary edible flowers with for each a particular colour and taste. Flowers are picked up very carefully, one by one, taking extra care not to touch the petals.

We intend to offer to our customers a range of about ten different edible flowers varieties all year round.


ail-blanche begonia bourache capucine
White garlic
Begonia borage
courgette fleurdepois iberis impatience
Courgette flower
Peo flower
Iberiss Impatiens
OeilletDeChine pensee primevere soucis
Oeillet de Chine
Pansy Primrose Souci


Description : L'Impatiens possède une texture croquante. Son goût sucré rappelle celui de la violette.

Conseils d'utilisation : L'Impatiens est utilisée comme garniture.